
The Barnes and Noble New Book Club Pick is a Total Page Turner!

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Barnes & Noble Book Club Pick February 2025

Of course Barnes and Noble has a book club and it’s pretty spectacular! We’re breaking down the latest new book of the month and listing out all of their picks from the past year to keep you up-to-date!

You can never go wrong with a book club, but especially when it comes from the book store itself.  There really are so many monthly clubs to choose from, especially from celebrities like:

★  Oprah’s February 2025 Book Club Picks
★  Reese Witherspoon’s New Book For February 2025
★  The Jenna Bush Hager Book Club (New For February 2025)
★  The GMA Book Club (New For February 2025)

We love all of the above, but what’s different about the Barnes and Noble list is that it’s really a brilliant combination of the above lists and their own choices that cater to readers of all genres.  And if you want to discuss the book(s) you can join up with other readers each month in person at a Barnes and Noble and, most recently, virtually online on their Facebook Live page.

One of their choices that turned out to be one of our favorite books of all time was The Nickel Boys by Colton Whitehead.  He was the author of one of our other favorites, The Underground Railroad.  We highly recommend checking those out if you haven’t read them already.

Each month B&N comes out with their newest book recommendation and while you can always purchase them directly at B&N, we’ve actually found some better deals (usually) on Amazon. We’ll list out the most recent pick, along with the previous months recommendations and if they’re on sale (and so many are) the price will be reflected.  Hope you enjoy your book and get a great deal all at the same time!

UPDATE:  Last year we noticed that B&N hadn’t added a new pick to their book club each and every month consistently.  So, you may notice some missing months below.  Just a heads up in case you’re wondering if we missed anything.  And, in case we are, drop me a note to let me know at patrick.varone@trendsicle.com