
Hairdorables are the Surprise Dolls That are Already YouTube Famous (Now With Series 3!)

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The surprise toys keep on coming and this upcoming holiday it’s all about the Hairdorables!  Here’s everything you need to know about Series 3 (and where you can get your hands on them).

Where to Buy New Hairdorables Series 3 2025 - Pre Order, Release Date, Series 4 Amazon 2025

Buy Now [ UPDATE: March 2025 ] Looking for the brand new Hairdorables Series 3?  We found them!  They’ve officially been released and are ready to order.  Get yours here!  You can jump right to Series 3 here!

[ UPDATE ] If you’re looking for Hairdorables Series 2, you’re in luck because currently we found them in-stock.  Check them out here and scroll down to learn more about them.  Jump right to Series 2!

If it’s one thing we know for sure it’s that kids are all over these surprise toys.  They love the feeling of having no idea what or who they’re going to get when they open it.  And, well, nothing is worse than when they’re 100% let down by the one they got.  You know Santa always messes that one up.  Eh, give him a break she’s he’s busy!

This upcoming Christmas season your kiddos are most likely going to be asking for Hairdorables Dolls.  These are the new surprise everything dolls from Just Play.  While usually a surprise toy means that just one thing is the surprise, this time around everything is the surprise…from the doll to all 10 accessories that are included.  Here’s everything else we know about these famous little cuties.

How Many Hairdorable Dolls Are There?

Currently you can collect 36 of these dolls in Series 3.  This leads us to believe that, depending on their success, there could be a Series 2.  Just think of all the dolls you’ll have scattered all over your house.  Also, what makes the collecting part so much fun is that there are 2 rare dolls and 1 ultra-rare doll in the mix.  So good luck finding them.  Your kiddos will be tearing these boxes open like they open all their Christmas gifts (like animals) just to see if they scored these prized possessions.

How Do You Play With Them?

Well the most fun part is opening the surprise box to see who you got.  It’s like having a baby without knowing whether it’s a boy or a girl.  Sort of.  You’ll pull the tab on the front of the box to start to open it and then, via the velcro, the box will open in two sections. On the left will be all the individual accessories like stickers, combs, fashion items, and more.  They’re all in individually sectioned pods that peel back to easily open.  On the right will be the actual doll.  The way it opens you’ll be able to use the box as whatever the theme actually is.  We’ve seen a bedroom, a stage, a dressing room, and more!  You can comb their hair, set up a little music video with them using the background and so much more!

When is the Release Date?

For the new Series 3 dolls the official release date is August 1, 2025.  The great news is that, yes, you can actually pre-order these today!  Pre order yours here on Amazon now.  Personally, we love the pre order option because then we don’t have to freak out over not being able to get them once holiday shopping time starts.

How Much is This Thing Going to Cost Me?!

Don’t worry, individually these dolls won’t break the bank.  The retail price is $12.88.  Uh, yes, that’s the actual price.  Why they ended it with the “.88” is beyond us, but currently that’s the price on both Amazon and Walmart. Now if you’re trying to collect all 36, simple math tells us that’ll set you back around $463.00.  Best of luck.

What are All the Different Dolls?

Well there are going to be 36 in total, but they’re based off the 12 original YouTube stars.  Here are their names:

  1. Noah
  2. Bella
  3. Dee Dee
  4. Sallee
  5. Kat
  6. Skylar
  7. Harmony
  8. Neila
  9. Kali
  10. Willow
  11. Brit
  12. Rayne

Series 3

The Hairdorables Series 3 – Buy It Here

Where to Buy Hairdorables Series 3 2025 - Pre Order, Release Date Series 4

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Series 3 is finally here!  These super rad collectible dolls come with 11 unboxing surprises inside.  Simply “pull and peel” and discover which doll you got!  In Series 3 there are currently 36 unique dolls your kiddos can collect.  Bring on Series 4!

Series 2

Hairdorables ‘Noah’ Series 2 Doll – Buy It Here

Where to Buy Hairdorables Series 2 in 2025

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The Latest For Series 2 – Buy It Here

Where to Find New Series 2 Hairdorables Online 2025

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Original Series 1

The Hairdorable Surprise Dolls – Buy It Here

Pre Order Here

Collectible Hairdorables Series 1 – Buy It Here

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Pre Order Hairdorables Doll – Buy It Here

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